Following in the wake of the first edition, FITECU 2025 returns with an even more ambitious edition, in line with the commitment of the Regional Government of Castilla y León to organise this event every two years, under the slogan ‘The future of care’, and will take place from 20 to 22 February in Zamora.

Aimed at the professional and general public, it will have an exclusive Congress area with registration and an Exhibition Area with free access in the morning and afternoon, with shuttle service from the city centre, and where attendees will be able to undergo medical tests for the prevention of ageing.

IFEZA is the chosen venue for FITECU 2025. The Zamora exhibition centre will be able to house different content areas for attendees.

In addition, the Technological Innovation Centre – Hub – ‘La Aldehuela’, located a few metres away, will also host various activities.


Technology has been such a sudden disruption to our lives that adapting to new realities has become increasingly urgent. Far too frequently, however, we have demanded from minorities and underserved populations to get on board this moving train without bothering to make it more accessible for them considering their capabilities, their reality and their often-overheard needs. This situation, the source of a gap yet to close, generates reluctance towards the digital revolution, and sometimes prevents us from seeing that riding the fast wave of technology has the potential to humanise care, improve quality of life, and boost personal independence.

In the Soluciones Innovadoras para la Vida Independiente (SIVI) Cluster, technology companies, university research groups, technology centres and service industries join together in a collective effort to promote social innovation as the key to progress for a population group that has been neglected and deprived from the means to thrive in these changing times we are living in.

With initiatives such as this International Fair of Innovation and Technology-Enabled Care Services (FITECU) this solution based on the design, development and use of innovative technological solutions gain visibility thanks to international experts who combine their skills and expertise with an invaluable asset in the pursuit of social progress: sensitivity. Let’s make technology more human, and it will become the real life-disruptor.


  • Sharing the latest advances in social innovation, artificial intelligence, social robotics, emotional & environmental intelligence, in addition to new care models.
  • Raising awareness on technology-enabled care services as a practical and actual means to promote Independent Living.
  • Encouraging networking and relational capital among our participants and top-tier speakers.
  • Living an on-field immersive dynamization experience while contributing to the local economic development and to a greater public awareness of the resources and ecosystems in the region.


To approach the last trends on social innovation and groundbreaking enabling technologies focused on care services.


Social Innovation as a Means to Develop the Regional Ecosystem
Assistive Technologies to Enable Evolution and Competitive Enhancement in the Care Service Industry

New Long-Term Care Models

Putting a Halt to Unwanted Loneliness

Community Care
as the Natural Context for Each Human Being

Sustainability and Demographic Challenge

Why coming?

Professional Incentives

  • Opening your heart, your mind and your actions to new work methods, evolution and disruptions in care services that will enable us to adapt to current and coming demographic challenges.
  • Prospecting, sharing and reflecting together, from a multi-agent, multi-disciplinary point of view.
  • Learning and getting inspired by professionals with practical experience both at national and global levels.
  • Live on-field immersion in currently working care models aimed to promote Independent Living and retention of elderly people in their life-long environment in Castilla y León, a leading programme in Europe.

Local Incentives

  • The Fair will take place in a unique location, Zamora, the capital of Romanesque architecture, a reference in gastronomy, culture, art, tourism, and nature.
  • Guided tour of Zamora. Discover the Romanesque architecture of Zamora.
  • Boat tour through the Arribes del Duero.
  • Visit to a winery with wine tasting.
  • Visit to a Cheese Factory with tasting.

Don’t Miss the Chance