

Meet the speakers who will be taking part in the First International Fair on Innovation and Technology in the Service of Care

Alfonso Fernández Mañueco
President of the Junta de Castilla y León
Isabel Blanco Llamas
Councillor for Family and Equal Opportunity of the Junta de Castilla y León
Dubravka Suica
Vice-President of the European Commission for Democracy and Demography. Member of the European Parliament
Kenji Matsui
Director of the Robotics and Design Centre of the Osaka Institute of Technology
Harry Van Goor
MD, PhD, FRCS Professor of Surgical Education Department of Surgery Radboud University Medical Center Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Juan Manuel Corchado
Director of the IOT Digital Innovation Hub and President of the AIR Institute. Director of the BISITE Research Group. President of the AIR Institute
Lorena Paz
Sociologist specialised in ICT for Human Development (ICT4D) and User Experience (UX) research.
Director of LabEU – User Experience Lab.
Manuel Franco Martín
President of the Spanish Association of Psychogeriatrics. Head of the Psychiatry Service, Complejo Asistencial de Zamora Hospital Universitario Rio Hortega
Gorka Espiau
Founder of The Social Innovation Lab Kent (SILK). Agirre Lehendakaria Center Managing Director
Julián Andújar Pérez
Managing Director Tecsos Foundation
Pablo Gómez Conejo
President of the SIVI Cluster. Director General Intras Foundation
Raúl Oliván
Director General of Open Government and Social Innovation of the Government of Aragon
Luis A. Barriga
Managing Director og IMSERSO
Enrique Galván
Director Plena Inclusión Spain