Programme 2023



23 February

09:45h Reception and Accreditation.

10:30h Introductory panel. Social innovation and technology as a way of developing the territorial ecosystem.

Montse Fernandez Chimente. SIVI Cluster Manager. Moderator.

Julian Andujar. Managing Director Social Technology Foundation. (TECSOS).

Benedicto Caminero. Technical Director of Care for the Elderly and People with Disabilities. Social Services Management Junta de Castilla y León.

11:00h Official Opening

Pablo Gómez. President of the SIVI Cluster.

Lorenzo Jimenez Martinez. Mayor of Villardeciervos. (Welcome)

Dubravka Suica. Vice President of the European Commission for Democracy and Demographics.

Alfonso Fernández Mañueco. President of the Junta de Castilla y León

12:00h Coffee Networking. Demo Area #Lab

Technological demo company Alisys Robotics (Show Lab Point)

12:45h Opening Presentation. Hyperconnected societies. Human-robot interaction in care. Innovation design methods.

Kenji Matsui. Director of the Robotics and Design Center of the Osaka Institute of Technology.

13:25h Live connection to the home service network.

13:40h Discussion table and experiences #AI and social robotics Advances and opportunities in artificial intelligence, social robotics and technology applied to personal supports

Juan Manuel Corchado. Director of the IOT Digital Innovation Hub and president of the Air Institute. Moderator.

Kenji Matsui. Director of the Robotics and Design Center of the Osaka Institute of Technology.

Alvaro Sanchez Garcia. Director of Projects Social Technologies Foundation. (TECSOS)

Miguel Angel Salichs Sánchez-Caballero. Director of the Master in Robotics and Automation at the Carlos III University of Madrid.

Responsible for the Technical Secretariat of the Spanish Technological Platform for Robotics.

Jorgina Diaz Torres. Alisys Business Development Director.

14:40h Lunch. Demo Area #Lab

16:00h Dynamics Demo Area #Lab

Technological demo company Inrobics (Show Lab Point) Technological/social companies with socio-assistance developments and applications. (robotics, AI, platforms, apps, etc.)

Playful Experience Design (Co-creative Workshop Experts by Experience)

17:00h Balance of the day.

17:15h Activities and opportunities for the local Ecosystem.


24 February

09:45h Accreditation.

10:00h Reflection table #policies and public care strategies. Approach, vision and opportunities of public care policies and strategies at a European, national and regional level.

Ramiro Silva Monterrubio. Deputy delegate of the Area of Social Policy, Family and Equality. Zamora Provincial Council. Moderator.

Luis Barriga. General Director IMSERSO.

Jesús Fuertes. Secretary General of the Departament of Family and Equal Opportunities of the Junta de Castilla y León

Enrique Galvan. Full Inclusion Director Spain.

11:30h Café Networking. Demo Area #Lab

Technological demo company Gogoa (Show Lab Point)

12:20h International presentation. Robotics opportunities for independent living.

Jose Luis Pons. Scientist at the Chicago Rehabilitation Institute. (Shirley RyanAbility Lab).

13:10h Live connection to the home service network.

13:20h Discussion table and experiences #environmental intelligence, #new models of care.

Opportunities and experiences of application of ambient intelligence in spaces, inclusive, accessible, sustainable equipment, perspectives in the face of population aging and adaptations that they entail.

Carlos Martin Tobalina. Deputy Minister of Economy and Competitiveness of the Junta de Castilla y León. Moderator.

Eva Aurin Pardo. eHealth Manager and Expert in Health Innovation at Telefónica.

Javier Barahona. Commercial Director in Spain of Aerial Technologies. Jaime Murcia Porres. Director of Social Services and Health of Inetum in Castilla-León.

Irene Lebrusan. Dtra. in Sociology, Head of Research at the International Center on Aging (CENIE), Professor Universidad Carlos III Madrid.

14:15 h. Lunch. Demo Area #Lab

Tasting of local products offered by local cooks.

16:00h International presentation. Artificial intelligence applied to health. Juan Manuel Corchado. Professor of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence at the University of Salamanca and director of the BISITE Research Group. Director of the IOT Digital Innovation Hub and president of the AIR Institute.

16:40h Dynamics Demo Area #Lab.

Technological demo company Inetum (Show Lab Point) Technological/social companies with socio-assistance developments and applications. (robotics, AI, platforms, apps, etc.)

17:30h Macro-Socio-Health Cluster Meeting.

Institutional welcome by the Deputy Minister of Economy and Competitiveness of the Junta de Castilla y León, Carlos Martín Tobalina. Presentation Clusters attendees.

Presentation Reference projects.

European Innovation Platform for Active and Healthy Aging. (EIP on AHA – RSCN)

Sharing of the challenges of the sector. Delivery of FITECU awards.

18:30h Balance of the day.

18:45h Activities and opportunities of the local Ecosystem.


25 February

09:45h Accreditation

10:00h International presentation. The humanization of technological solutions. User Experience and Inclusive Design.

Lorena Paz. Director of the LabEU – User Experience Laboratory. UFLO – University of Flowers. (Argentina)

10:40h Networking Coffee. Demo Area #Lab

Technological demo company Roble App (Show Lab Point) Testing | Flash demos with users.

11:40h Discussion table and experiences #social innovation and territorial ecosystem. Opportunities and experiences of applying social innovation, theory of change, design and management of more socially intelligent spaces and incorporation of the SDGs.

Carlos Raúl de Pablos. JCYL Social Services Manager. Moderator. Lorena Paz. Director of the LabEU – User Experience Laboratory. UFLO – University of Flowers. (Argentina)

Carlos de Sousa Santos. Concep Designer and Resilience Manager. Human Power Hub | Center for Social Innovation of Braga. (Portugal)

Gorka Espiau. Director of the Social Innovation laboratory. “Agirre Lehendakaria Center”.

Raúl Oliván. General Director of Open Government and Social Innovation of the Government of Aragon.

12:40h Live connection to home service network.

12:50h Discussion table and experiences #emotional intelligence, #unwanted loneliness. Opportunities and experiences to address and prevent unwanted loneliness, long-term care and self-care based on technology, the ethical dimension and complexity of human-technological interaction.

Manuel Franco. JHead of the Psychiatry and Mental Health Service of the Zamora Assistance Complex. Director of the Psychoscience Research Group at the Institute of Biomedicine of Salamanca. (IBSAL). Moderator.

Javier Benavente. Founder of the Vivofácil Group (formerly Alares) and Honorary President of the Alares Foundation.

Marije Goikoetxea Iturregui. Doctor specialized in Ethics and Social Services. John Farrell. Director of policy and operations of the European Network of Collaboration of Reference Sites in Innovation for Active and Healthy Aging. (RSCN AHA).

13:40h Balance of the congress.

14:00h Official Closing.

Pablo Gómez. President of the SIVI Cluster.

Lorenzo Jiménez Martínez. Mayor of Villardeciervos.

Isabel Blanco Llamas. Family and Equal Opportunity Counselor of the Junta de Castilla y León.

14:40h Lunch. Demo Area #Lab.

16:00h FAREWELL | Activities and opportunities of the local Ecosystem.

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